About World Geopolitics Map

Hey there!
Welcome to the World Geopolitics Map project! We're all about diving into the fascinating world of global geopolitics. Our aim? To give you a front-row seat to the ever-changing landscape of politics, economics, and society across the globe.

Our Mission

So, what drives us? We're on a mission to break down the complexities of global geopolitics in a way that's easy to understand and engage with. Our goal is to provide you with valuable insights into how politics, economics, and society intersect on a global scale. By crunching the numbers and presenting our findings visually, we want to empower you, whether you're a researcher, policymaker, or just someone curious about the world, to make sense of international relations.

Our Vision

Picture this: a world where everyone is clued in on global affairs, making informed decisions that shape our future. That's our vision. We're committed to being your go-to source for reliable, up-to-date geopolitical info. We want to spark conversations, foster collaboration, and help you make sense of the big issues facing our planet. Together, we can work towards a brighter, more peaceful world for generations to come.

About Our Project

At the heart of what we do is a super cool map that paints a vivid picture of global geopolitics. It's your ticket to exploring different regions, spotting trends, and understanding the ins and outs of international relations. Whether you're a student, policymaker, or just someone who loves learning, our map has something for you.

We're all about staying on top of the latest info, constantly updating our map with fresh data and insights. We believe knowledge is power, and by keeping you in the loop, we're helping to build a better world. So come join us on this journey of discovery!

Our map is meticulously crafted using publicly available data sources:


Hey, let's team up!
We believe that every bit of support and every opinion shared counts. We're committed to fostering an environment of collaboration where your voice matters. Together, we can make this project even better.

We strive to maintain objectivity and constantly improve our project. With today's advanced IT tools and GIS-based solutions, the possibilities are endless. We're all about interaction, leveraging technology to its fullest to create something truly impactful.

We envision this small project evolving into a powerful tool, co-created and cherished by all of us. It's not just about the utility; it's also about the joy of working together towards a common goal.

So, what do you say? Are you in? Let's make a difference together!

Support us

If you'd like to support our project, consider buying us a coffee.